Civic Museum and Archaeological Museum




Hosted at the ground floor of the seventeenth century Campana Palace, by the famous architect, a pupil of Vanvitelli Andrea Vici of Arcevia, the Museum houses outstanding artworks such as the "Madonna col Bambino e Angeli" (The Virgin with Child and Angels) (stone sculpture of the first half of the thirteenth century ), and the "Incoronazione della Vergine e Santi" (Coronation of the Virgin and the Saints) of 1464, polyptych of the Venetian masters Antonio of Murano and Bartolomeo Vivarini.

Particular relevance have some fragments of frescoes of the fourteenth century ("Incoronazione della Vergine", "Giudizio universale", "Angeli musicanti") by Andrea of Bologna, the paintings by Claudio Ridolfi (dated to the turn between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries), the nativity figurines by Luigi Guacci (early 900), and the works of contemporary authors such as Bruno Marsili known as Bruno of Osimo, Elmo Cappannari and Luigi Bartolini, to whom is dedicated a museum section.

In the archaeological section, the museum houses historical evidences of Gallic and Roman remains found in the area near Osimo. Very interesting are the findings coming from the archaeological site of Mount Torto and the tombs of the Montecerno necropolis. These include the beautiful "old head" (mid-first century BC) and the Roman funerary stele of two spouses.

More info:
Museo Civico e Archeologico
c/o Palazzo Campana,
via Campana 19, Osimo (An)
Tel. +39 071 714694

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