In this palace the famous poet Giacomo Leopardi lived and grew. It is thus one of the most visited places by tourists who are on holiday in Conero Riviera.
Inside the palace, still inhabited by the Leopardi family, one wing is open to the public to allow to visit the immense collection of literary and scientific works contained in the library commissioned by Count Monaldo, father of the famous poet, which allowed the consultation of books to his contemporaries: over 20,000 volumes of various kinds.
The itinerary includes a series of halls where many volumes testify the evolution of printing over the centuries and where you can pbserve literary and scientific works, ancient books, manuscripts and incunabula. There are also documents from the family archive itself, dating back to the year 1207, used by Monaldo to write the history of his family.
A hall is devoted to theological works from some local monasteries, among them the polyglot Bible in eight languages and in six volumes, through the reading of which the young Giacomo learned the Greek and Hebrew.